Booking Terms & Conditions

  • When booking, please bear in mind that your place on a course is only confirmed once you’ve paid in full.
  • Full payment for the course is expected 4 weeks before the first class starts.
  • Upholstery Addicts is a small business, so you’ll understand that we can’t offer a refund or credit if you don’t attend at short notice. However, as a goodwill gesture, we will try to move you to another class if we can find a replacement for your space.
  • Please tell us if your contact details change, because we’ll need them for all correspondence.
  • Very rarely, we may need to cancel or postpone a class or workshop because of unavoidable circumstances, or if a course is under-subscribed. If you’re a confirmed attendee, we’ll let you know as soon as possible, and offer full refunds by BACS transfer.

Gift Voucher Terms & Conditions

  • We’ll mail your gift voucher to you, or the person you’ve specified, as soon as your payment has cleared.
  • Your gift voucher will expire 12 months from the date of issue.
  • An admin cost of £20 will be applied if your voucher has expired before you redeem. Also, if the class prices have increased after the voucher expiry, the extra will be due when booking the class.
  • You can redeem your gift voucher by emailing ( or telephoning (0777 240 1689) to choose the course and date you prefer. You’ll need to give us the details on your gift voucher at the time of booking.
  • Our standard booking terms & conditions (above) also apply to all bookings made with a gift voucher.
  • If we have to cancel a class or session, we’ll issue a replacement gift voucher instead of a refund.
  • We can’t refund any gift vouchers, but we’d be happy to transfer them to another person.
  • Please tell us if anyone’s contact details change, because we’ll need them for all correspondence.
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